The trifle’s gone, the snooze button’s tempting and the world is waking up – but so are you. It’s Monday, the first real one of the year, and it’s your chance to take on 2025 one small, meaningful step at a time.
Johannesburg, South Africa (13 January 2025) – It’s Monday – the first real working Monday of the year for many of us. The festive glow has faded, the decorations have been packed away and the final slice of trifle has been polished off (because we’re not ones to waste dessert).
As the world stirs awake again, routines are finding their way back into our lives.
Schools are opening their gates, gyms are welcoming the New Year’s resolution crowd, and social calendars are shifting gears – bars are quieter, the mimosas are fewer and reality is knocking on the door. For some of us (okay, me), the temptation to stay under the duvet or opt for a sneaky champagne breakfast is very real.
But here we are, stepping into the rhythm of a fresh start. And if that feels overwhelming, here’s a little reminder for all of us navigating this new chapter of the year:
1. Take it step by step.
That to-do list might feel like an avalanche waiting to bury you but here’s the thing – even the tallest mountain is climbed one step at a time. Stop fixating on the entire list or the overwhelming goal at the finish line. Focus on the next one thing. Write that email, make that call, or simply get out of bed. You’ll be amazed at how momentum builds when you give your attention to the task at hand rather than the mountain looming in the distance.
2. Rest is essential, not indulgent.
Somewhere along the way, we started wearing exhaustion as a badge of honour. It’s not. Burning yourself out doesn’t make you more successful – it just makes you tired, cranky and less effective. Rest is the fuel you need to keep going and it’s absolutely okay to take that lunch break or call it a day when you’ve done enough. Your value isn’t tied to how much you push yourself. It’s tied to how well you live.
3. Protect your boundaries.
The reality is, not everything needs your time or attention. That email that’s been sitting in your inbox for two weeks? It’s probably not urgent. That draining conversation you’ve been dreading? You’re allowed to pass. Setting boundaries isn’t selfish – it’s self-preservation. And saying no doesn’t make you mean; it makes you smart.
4. Failure is proof you’re trying.
Every stumble is a sign you’re moving forward. Failure can feel heavy but it’s only weighty if you carry it like baggage. Instead, treat it like a teacher. Learn the lesson, adjust your path and keep moving. The only real failure is giving up entirely.
5. Celebrate the small wins.
Big milestones are great but the small victories are what keep us going. Got out of bed on time? Win. Managed to avoid that tempting takeaway and cooked dinner instead? Double win. These moments matter because they’re stepping stones to the bigger goals. Recognise them, celebrate them and let them fuel you.
6. Work matters – but it’s not everything.
We all have bills to pay and responsibilities to juggle but don’t lose sight of what truly matters. Your health, your relationships and your happiness aren’t negotiable. You don’t want to look back one day and realise you spent your whole life working instead of living. Find the balance between hustling for your future and enjoying the present.
7. You can rewrite the script.
Your life isn’t a fixed story – it’s a living, breathing work in progress. If something doesn’t feel right, change it. Whether it’s a career shift, a new routine, or a completely fresh perspective, you’re allowed to pivot (I hated that word during the pandemic but think of it more as a “Friends” reference). Be brave enough to believe that better is always possible. PIVOT!!!!
8. Your timeline is yours.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others, especially in this age of social media. But remember, those highlight reels aren’t the whole story. Your growth is yours and there’s no expiry date on achieving your goals. Slow progress is still progress.
9. Kindness changes everything.
Kindness is free but its impact is priceless. Whether it’s a smile for a stranger, a supportive word for a friend, or some much-needed compassion for yourself, it creates ripples. A small act of kindness can brighten someone’s day – and often, it brightens your own.
10. Gratitude shifts perspective.
Even on the toughest days, there’s something to be thankful for. Maybe it’s the roof over your head, the warmth of your morning coffee, or simply the fact that you showed up. Gratitude doesn’t erase challenges but it gives you the strength to face them.

And here’s my big takeaway for today: you don’t need permission to slow down, to find joy, or to feel deeply. Stop waiting for the perfect moment or the right circumstances. This moment – right here, right now – is the only one guaranteed.
So, what will you do with it?
Me? I’ll be at the gym, sweating out those holiday indulgences. Then I might pour myself that mimosa – because all we have is this moment and life is about balance. Plus, we’re all figuring it out one step at a time.
You’ve got this. Let’s make today count.
I share little doses of inspiration and motivation on my socials daily but every now and then – when my editor gives me the green light (or I remind them I own the publication) – I get to craft them into articles here on Good Things Guy.
Sources: Brent Lindeque | Good Things Guy
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