PhD scholarships in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Florence, Italy 

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Bursary Description

PhD scholarships in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Florence, Italy 

Application deadline: 13 June 2024 at 11h59 SAST

Projects may be written in Italian or English and must outline a possible research activity to be carried out within one of the research groups in the Department of Physics and Astronomy or the linked Research Institutions.

Candidates may present the same project for the standard scholarship and for any scholarship on offer at the university, with the specific research topic and separate ranking lists he/she intends to apply for, or may present different projects for each scholarship, indicating clearly to which scholarship each project refers.

Prof Fabio Cinti will be supervising the research project, ‘Numerical simulations of many-body systems and magnetic molecules‘. For more information on this specific project, please email him.