Helmut Veith Stipend For Female Master’s Students in Computer Science 2024-25.(Fully Funded)

December 14, 2023

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Bursary Description

  • Fully Funded
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • Masters
  • Computer Science
  • International Students
  • Austria
  • 11/30/2024

Scholarship Description:

The Helmut Veith Stipend sounds like a fantastic opportunity for female students in computer science! It’s impressive to see initiatives that support and honor the legacy of individuals like Helmut Veith, who made significant contributions to the field.

The fully funded scholarship covering tuition fees and offering an annual stipend of EUR 7000 for up to two years can be a great support for pursuing a Master’s degree at TU Wien.

For those considering applying, it seems essential to maintain good academic progress and commit to residing in Austria for the duration of the studies as per the scholarship requirements.

It’s also worth exploring other opportunities like the Fully Funded Orange Knowledge Programme, which might offer additional options for studying abroad, in this case, in the Netherlands.

The support for this scholarship from TU Wien, the Wolfgang Pauli Institute, and contributions from Helmut Veith’s family and friends is truly commendable. This kind of collaboration creates meaningful opportunities for aspiring students in the field of computer science. If you’re considering applying, make sure to check the eligibility criteria and application deadlines to give yourself the best chance at this opportunity!

Degree Level:

Helmut Veith Stipend For Female Master’s Students in Computer Science 2024-25.(Fully Funded) is available to undertake Masters level programs at Vienna University of Technology.

Available Subjects:

• Master in Logic and Computation
• Master in Business Informatics
• Master in Computer Engineering (Technische Informatik)
• Master in Data Science
• Master in Media and Human-Centered Computing

Scholarship Benefits:

  1. Waiver of all Tuition Fees at TU Wien: This means that the selected students won’t have to pay any tuition fees for their Master’s studies at TU Wien. It covers the educational expenses, allowing recipients to focus on their academic journey without the financial burden of tuition costs.

  2. EUR 7000 Annually for Up to Two Years: On top of the waived tuition fees, recipients receive a stipend of EUR 7000 per year for a maximum duration of two years. This financial support is meant to assist with living expenses and other costs associated with pursuing a Master’s degree, providing essential support during the study period

Eligible Nationalities:

This scholarship is open to international female students.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the Helmut Veith Stipend, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English is required as the stipend is for programs taught in English.

  2. Nationality: Open to candidates from all countries around the world.

  3. Educational Background: A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Mathematics (Bologna first cycle) or an equivalent degree is required.

  4. Admission to Master’s Program: Candidates must have received unconditional admission to one of the Master’s programs in computer science at TU Wien.

  5. Program Eligibility: Eligibility extends to candidates who meet the admission requirements for TU Wien’s Master’s programs in computer science that are specifically taught in English.

  6. Knowledge and Interest: Demonstrated extensive knowledge and interest in at least one of Helmut Veith’s areas of research, which include:

    • Formal Methods and Verification.
    • Logic in Computer Science.
    • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence.
    • Computer Security.
    • Complexity Theory.

Meeting these requirements is essential for candidates seeking to apply for and be considered for the Helmut Veith Stipend in Computer Science.

Application Procedure:

 ,To apply for the Helmut Veith Stipend for Female in Computer Science, applicants need to prepare the following documents and follow the provided instructions:

Required Documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Provide a detailed resume outlining your academic background, work experience, achievements, and relevant skills.

  2. Cover Letter: This letter should specify the type of funding you are applying for and include any additional information you find pertinent for your application.

  3. Motivation Letter: Detail your reasons for wanting to study in the Logic and Computation program, explain why funding is necessary for you, and mention which faculty groups you are interested in working with for your master’s thesis and why.

  4. Diplomas and Certificates: Include copies of your academic certificates or diplomas, such as your bachelor’s degree or any higher education certificates. If your final certificate isn’t available by the application deadline, provide a preliminary certificate stating the type of degree and your expected graduation date, signed and stamped by your university.

  5. University Examination Reports (Transcripts): Include official transcripts detailing your academic performance during your studies.

  6. Contact Details of Two Referees: Provide the contact information for two individuals who can provide letters of recommendation on your behalf.

  7. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport.

  8. English Language Certificate: Include proof of English proficiency, such as a TOEFL certificate or a similar qualification.

Application Submission:

  • Compile all the required documents into a single PDF file.
  • Submit your application electronically to ta.sc-cigol@retsam with the subject line “Application.”
  • The PDF file should be named “document.pdf.”

Additional Information:

  • If any documents are not in German or English, provide certified translations.
  • Ensure the application is submitted as per the specified format and within the application deadline.

For further details and the most accurate and up-to-date information, please visit the official website of the Helmut Veith Stipend for Female in Computer Science. This will provide you with comprehensive information and any potential updates regarding the application process and requirements.

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