2024 JSA/HUGS International Fellowship for Graduate Students in Developing Countries

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Bursary Description

2024 JSA/HUGS International Fellowship for Graduate Students in Developing Countries

Application deadline: 20 January 2024

The 2024 Hampton University Graduate Summer (HUGS) program is a summer school held in Virginia, USA, for experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics graduate students who have finished their coursework and have at least one year of research experience in these fields. The school focuses on topics of contemporary interest in strong interactions physics, and will run during June 2024.

The fellowship can support the participation of up to two graduate students who are well into their PhD dissertation research project to the 2024 HUGS program. Students with research interests aligned with Jefferson Lab goals, and interested in collaborative work with Jefferson Lab staff and users, will be given priority. The fellowship will cover travel expenses, room and board. A visit of 1 or 2 weeks to Jefferson Lab in Virginia may also be possible.