Italy Regional scholarships 2022-2023

November 17, 2023

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Bursary Description

Scholarship Description:

All students are encouraged and welcome to apply!

Regional scholarships for International Students are open at  Università Iuav di Venezia from 2022-2023.  Regional scholarships for International Students 2022-23 at Università Iuav di Venezia are now available for international students if they do not benefit from other Italian or international scholarships/grants.

Università Iuav di Venezia has officially announced the scholarships for the upcoming class.  Università Iuav di Venezia is considered to be one of the top institutions around the globe.  Università Iuav di Venezia was founded in 1926 and currently functions in Italy.

 Università Iuav di Venezia offers such scholarships yearly to welcome students to the campus.  Regional scholarships for International Students 2022-23 will open the door to new and better opportunities for selected students and expose them to advanced learning in postgraduate programs.

Keep reading about the  Università Iuav di Venezia’s acceptance rate, GPA requirements, eligibility and selection criteria, and other helpful information. 

You will find the link to apply below.


Most Popular Universities in Italy with fully funded Scholarships

Degree Level:

Italy Regional scholarships 2022-2023 is available to undertake Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Graduate level programs at Università Iuav di Venezia.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Scholarship Benefits:

According to the student’s status, there are 3 different maximum amounts, paid in 2 instalments:

  1. on-site students: € 2.481,75
  2. commuter students: € 3.598,51
  3. off-site students: € 6.157,74

Eligible Nationalities:

All Nationalities

Eligibility Criteria:

To apply to a regional scholarship, students shall meet all the following criteria:

  • ISEE amounting to less than € 24.335,11 and ISPE amounting to less than € 52.902,43 (ISPE is included in ISEE)
  • be enrolled in one of Iuav study programmes
  • To comply with the regional scholarship requirements, students need to obtain at least 20 university credits by 30th November 2023 otherwise the whole amount must be returned:
  • do not benefit from other Italian or international scholarships/grants
  • comply with the conditions to obtain a visa for Italy (non-EU students who not enrolled yet)
  • meet the merit criteria and other additional requirements (e.g., students enrolling in the 2nd year need 25 credits on their academic career by 10.08.22, a 5-credit bonus is available)

Application Procedure:

Students can apply online through the Student Web Service Area – SpIn by filling in the “application for benefits”. Online application will open on July 26th


The deadlines for the online application are:

> 30th September 2022 for students enrolling in the 2nd or the 3rd year

> 15th October 2022 for students enrolling in the 1st year


International students can submit their ISEE until 30th November 2022 and will be added to the ranking list following its reception.



Call for Application for a.y. 2022-23 will shortly be published on this page




Final rankings 2021-2022


Reformulated rankings 2021-2022 >>




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