Bursary Description
Scholarship Description:
Korean Government’s Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse a graduate level degree or research in Korea.
Degree Level:
Korean government invites 648* international students.
– General: 603 scholars – Overseas Korean: 20 scholars
– Korean Language Teaching Professionals: 15 scholars
– Research Program: 10 scholars
To be selected as a GKS grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean Embassy of his or her country of origin.
[University Track]
Korean government invites 730* international students.
– Research Program: 5 scholars – General: 425 scholars / Regional: 200 scholars
– R&D Program: 100 scholars
Eligibility Criteria:
To be selected as a GKS grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean Embassy of his or her country of origin.
Application Procedure:
[Embassy Track & University Track]
Please contact the first ground of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection.
As for the application guidelines and FAQ, please refer to the attached files.
※ Important Notes
Applicants must check additional restriction or eligibility set by each university.
– Please check if there are any additional eligibility set by each university/department.
※ Embassy track applicants who succeed in the first and second round of
selection may also fail in the third round of selection if they do not meet
the additional eligibility set by each university/department.
※ Please be mindful of any additional restriction set by each university/department.
If you do not meet this standard and fail to enroll in the university, your
scholarship may be cancelled, and you must return to your country on
your own expense even though you have completed the Korean language
– Please check if there are any additional restriction (e.g., enrollment period)
set by each university/department.
※ Scholars whose program is delayed (e.g., return after a leave of absence)
must check if their degree program is only available to start at a certain
period of time. For example, if a program starts in September only,
Scholars cannot resume their program in March.
Best regards,
GSK Center