Fully Funded Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES), USA.

November 16, 2023

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Scholarship Description:

The much-anticipated moment has arrived; applications are now open for the 2024-25 session of the YES Program, welcoming Pakistani students.

The YES Program is an educational initiative designed for Pakistani high school students. It is open to all high school students across Pakistan. To be eligible for the US Exchange Program 2024, applicants should currently be in the ninth or tenth grade. This prestigious fully funded exchange program to the USA is made possible through funding from the Office of ECA (Educational and Cultural Affairs) within the US Department of State. The program offers fully funded scholarships to high school students, allowing them to spend an entire year in the United States. Known as the Kennedy-Lugar exchange program, it provides a fully funded year-long exchange experience in the USA.

The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is financed by the Office of Educational and Cultural Affairs within the US Department of State. It enables high school students from 39 countries, including Pakistan, to study in American high schools and live with American host families. The YES Program is organized by a consortium of organizations led by the American Councils. This fully funded exchange program to the USA covers all expenses, from airfare and accommodation to tuition fees. Therefore, financial concerns need not deter students from applying; they simply need to meet the eligibility criteria and take a chance. The Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program is a fully funded international exchange program that empowers youth from diverse countries to engage in innovation, learning, cultural exchange, personal growth, and sharing.

Participants in the program enroll in a complete academic year of high school studies in the United States, participating in classes, laboratories, and extracurricular activities alongside their American peers. YES participants also engage in special enrichment activities, including community service, a civic education program, youth leadership training, and other endeavors aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of American culture through interaction with various segments of American society. Similarly, the participating students serve as cultural ambassadors for their home countries in their American host communities, becoming valuable resources for Americans who can learn about the rich cultures of the students’ countries of origin.

Since its inception in 2003, the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program has provided fully funded scholarships for 1,274 high school students from various regions of Pakistan. So why wait any longer? Seize this incredible opportunity to explore the United States of America, study in American high schools at no cost, and apply for the YES Exchange Program tailored for Pakistani students.

Degree Level:

Fully Funded Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES), USA. is available to undertake Undergraduate level programs at USA Universities.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Scholarship Benefits:

The fully funded YES Exchange Program in the USA comes with a multitude of advantages. If you’re keen and prepared to initiate the application process, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the following perks.

Advantages of the YES Program 2024 in the USA:

  • Complimentary round-trip airfare to the USA.
  • Coverage of pre-departure orientation expenses.
  • Placement with a host family for a duration of 10-11 months (inclusive of accommodation).
  • Provision of a monthly stipend by the host organization.
  • Health insurance coverage for all program participants.
  • Comprehensive coverage of program activities and materials costs.
  • A remarkable opportunity to pursue free education in the United States of America.
  • A chance to establish connections with like-minded individuals from diverse nationalities, backgrounds, and cultures.

Eligible Nationalities:

This scholarship is open to Pakistani Students.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be within the age range of 15-17 as of the program’s start date on August 15, 2024.
  • Be currently enrolled in a secondary school in Pakistan, either in the 9th or 10th grade, or pursuing ‘O’ Levels at the time of application. (For O’ Level students, only those in 9th or 10th grade are eligible; 11th graders are not eligible.)
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 60% or higher, with a minimum grade point average of 60% in all major/core subjects (such as English, Mathematics, and Sciences). Additionally, no failing grades should have been received in the past three academic years (specifically, during the 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 academic years).
  • Students with gap years or who have repeated a year are not eligible to apply.
  • Possess proficiency in English.
  • Meet the eligibility requirements for a U.S. J-1 visa (Note: U.S. citizens are not eligible for J-1 visas).
  • Hold citizenship in Pakistan and currently reside in Pakistan. Dual nationals of any country are not considered for the program.
  • Not have previously traveled to the United States.
  • Be neither siblings nor children of YES Program alumni.
  • Be neither siblings nor children of staff members associated with the Society for International Education and iEARN Pakistan project, as they are also ineligible.

Furthermore, meeting the following criteria increases the likelihood of being shortlisted for the final selection round:

  • Demonstrating the ability to represent and showcase Pakistani culture and values within American schools and communities.
  • Exhibiting qualities such as maturity, adaptability, flexibility, good character, and scholastic aptitude.
  • Willingness to actively participate in the daily life of the host family.
  • Having a complete record of the required immunizations, as specified in the YES Program application, before departing for the United States.
  • Demonstrating both flexibility and a commitment to promoting cross-cultural understanding.
  • Agreeing to attend classes as a full-time student and maintaining a minimum ‘B’ grade average.
  • Committing to adhere to the ‘YES Program Student Rules’ outlined in the YES Program application, as well as all other program rules and policies during the program.

Application Procedure:

STEP-1 Application Submission:

Prospective candidates who meet the Selection Criteria and agree to abide by the YES Program Parent/Student Agreement and Policies are eligible to apply for the scholarship. To access these documents, students can visit the YES Pakistan website at www.yespk.org. The YES Program application can be downloaded from the website, printed, completed, and sent by courier along with all necessary documents to the SIE office. Hand-delivered applications will not be accepted. Detailed instructions for completing the application can be found on the website. Students from underserved communities and those with diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.

STEP-2 Online Interview:

Following an initial review of the applications, shortlisted candidates will receive invitations for online interviews. Notification regarding the shortlisting for online interviews will be sent to the email address used during registration for the YES Program application. Students who are shortlisted after the online interview will need to submit Form M (Medical Form) along with the required documents before proceeding to the next step. Form M will be sent to shortlisted students via email.

STEP-3 Proctored Essays, Group Activity, and In-person Selection Interview:

Upon successful completion of the online interview, eligible students will be asked to participate in an in-person selection process, which includes proctored essay-writing exercises, group activities, and in-person interviews. Details regarding the venue and date will be communicated to students through their registered email.

NOTE: Failure to submit Form M (Medical Form) and required documents by the specified deadline will disqualify students from proceeding to the third step.

STEP-4 English Language Test for International Students (ELTiS):

Following the in-person interview, students who qualify will be required to take the English language proficiency test known as ELTiS.

STEP-5 Final Evaluation:

The ultimate selection of students will be based on a comprehensive evaluation of their complete YES Program application, including all necessary documents, the online interview, the group activity, the in-person interview, and their ELTiS score. Semi-finalists will receive notification from the YES Pakistan Program Director via a formal letter. For ongoing updates and information, students are advised to regularly check the announcements section on the YES Pakistan website or Facebook page.

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