Bursary Description
Scholarship Description:
Brain Research UK PhD Studentships in UK, 2019 is open for International Students, European Union Students . The scholarship allows PhD level programm(s) in the field of medical taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .
Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for Brain Research UK PhD Studentships to carry out research in one of our three priority research areas: acquired brain and spinal cord injury; neuro-oncology; and headache and facial pain.
Through our studentship scheme, we aim to enable outstanding graduates to gain the necessary skills and training to set them on course for the development of an independent career in research related to one of these current priority areas.
Brain Research UK funds the best neurological research, to improve the lives of those affected. It will improve the lives of those affected by one of hundreds of neurological conditions through the funding of the best research and accelerating its progress.
Degree Level: Studentship is available to pursue PhD programme.
Available Subject: We are interested in mechanism-based research that addresses areas of large unmet need and demonstrates a clear pathway to clinical impact in one of the following areas:
Acquired brain and spinal cord injury
Research to advance understanding of how to deliver interventions that promote recovery at the level of impairment in people with acquired brain or spinal cord damage. This may be through behavioural interventions, enhancement of plasticity mechanisms, or both.
Research addressing the fundamental causes, mechanisms, diagnosis or treatment of primary tumours of the brain or spinal cord, and associated neurological complications.
Headache and facial pain
Research addressing the fundamental causes, mechanisms, diagnosis or treatment of headache and facial pain.
Research projects must be hypothesis-driven and must represent an area of research that applicants intend to further develop in their future careers.
Scholarship Benefits: The studentships are open to application by both clinicians and non-clinicians, and provide funding of up to £120,000 for three to four years. PhD studentships are for three to four years and include stipend, institutional fees, training costs, project research costs and conference-related costs.
The stipend is fixed at £16,000 per annum (£17,500 in London), increasing at £500 per annum. For clinical candidates, the stipend can be used to support a salary at the appropriate clinical level but the balance of funds will need to be obtained from other sources.
Fees are capped at the UK/EU level.
The total award is capped at £120,000.
Eligible Nationalities: Studentships are available for UK/EU and Overseas students.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- The call is open to prospective PhD students wishing to carry out research in one of the three priority areas described above.
- The call is open to students who plan to commence study towards a PhD at a recognised UK Higher Education Institution in Autumn 2019.
- Candidates who have already commenced study towards a PhD are not eligible to apply.
- There is no requirement for students to be from the UK, nor resident for any amount of time before the award begins, however we will fund student fees up to the UK/EU rate only.
- Applicants must be available for interview in London at their own cost.
Application Procedure: Applications must be submitted by the prospective student, using the downloadable application form below.
The applicant must provide details of the host laboratory, the proposed project and supervisor. The supervisor(s) must complete the separate supervisor form.
Applications will be considered on the basis of the applicant’s academic track record, how the proposed PhD research fits in with the applicant’s overall clinical training plans where applicable, previous research experience and future academic potential. Research projects will be judged on scientific merit, originality and the closeness of fit with the remit of this call.
The track record of the supervisor and the suitability of the research environment will also be taken into account.
Application Form
Scholarship Link
Deadline: November 23, 2018
Degree Level:
Brain Research UK PhD Studentships in UK, 2019 is available to undertake PhD level programs at .
Available Subjects:
Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.
- medical