Bursary Description
Scholarship Description:
Generous donors have provided MIT with permanent funds in support of fellowships, many of which have unique restrictions. The Office of Graduate Education administers a number of these endowed fellowships through an annual competition in March. All nominations (both for new awards and for renewal requests) must be submitted by the departmental graduate office on behalf of the student. Students who qualify for one of the fellowships should contact their graduate administrator in order to be considered for nomination. Although these fellowships value strong academic and research prowness, the OGE is also very interested in each applicant’s community involvement at MIT (or prior institutions if an entering student). Please note the addition of an essay below asking students to elaborate on their community involvement (except for the Ida M. Green Fellowship).
The following symbols are used in the fellowship descriptions
- US citizens may apply
- Permant residents may apply
- Internationals may apply
OGE fellowships: Deadline March 8, 2021
Nominations for the following fellowships are due March 8th. Awards will be decided by the first week or two of April, with the exception of the Hugh Hampton Young. (Finalists for the Hugh Hampton Young will be chosen by mid-late April; those finalists will then be interviewed, with final awards to be decided in early May). The department, as the nominator, will be notified first of all decisions. Students will receive confirmation of any award via written letter by May 1; prior to that date, they may contact their department for updates. Students who are chosen for fellowship renewal should please note that any stipend increases take effect in September.
With the exception of the Ida M. Green Fellowship and the Endowed Fellowships of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the OGE accepts only one nomination per department for each award. Graduate administrators may contact Scott Tirrell for copies of the nomination form or with questions about submitting nominations to the Office of Graduate Education.
Nomination packets include the following for each new candidate (and for Hugh Hampton Young renewals):
- A completed copy of the nomination form, preferably with an endorsement from the Department Head
- A curriculum vitae
- A transcript (for currently enrolled students, unofficial transcript or grade report is fine)
- A brief (1-2 page) research summary from the student, or, for first year students, a copy of the nominee’s “statement of objectives” from his or her application for admission
- NEW- A brief (1-2 page) summary of current or past community involvement. The OGE highly values positive impact on the MIT community. Please explain past or current community involvement on MIT’s campus (or prior campuses if you are an incoming student) and how you feel this involvement has benefitted the community (except for the Ida M. Green Fellowship)
- At least two letters of recommendation preferably from MIT faculty (for currently enrolled students), or from the applicant’s admissions folder (if entering)
Renewal candidates will be considered along side new candidates for funding requests. Note: If the department chooses to nominate a current fellow for renewal of a fellowship, then it may not also nominate a new student. Requests for a renewal should include the following:
- A copy of the nomination form as the cover page (available from the graduate administrator)
- An updated CV
- A current unofficial transcript or grade report
- NEW- A brief (1-2 pages) update on progress and how the fellowship has benefitted you in the prior year
- A renewal request from the student’s advisor, indicating that the student is in good standing, a brief description of progress, and anticipated date of degree.
A complete listing of these competitive fellowships follows. Please note that fellowship stipend amounts for 2021-2022 may change once Institute RA/TA stipends have been set for FY2022.
- William Asbjornsen Albert Memorial Fellowship
- Eli and Dorothy Berman Fund Fellowship
- Collamore-Rogers Fellowship
- Endowed Fellowships of the Arab Republic of Egypt
- Ida M. Green Fellowship
- John S. Hennessy Fellowship
- T.S. Lin Fellowship
- Wellington and Irene Loh Fund Fellowship
- John A. Lyons Fellowship
- Donald O’Brien Fellowship
- Henry C. (1926) and Frances Keany Rickard Fund Fellowship
- Fundacion Mario Santo Domingo Fellowship
- Chyn Duog Shiah Memorial Fellowship
- Luis Francisco Verges Fellowship
- George and Marie Vergottis Fellowship
- Whitaker Health Sciences Fund Fellowship
- Hugh Hampton Young Memorial Fund Fellowship
- Zakhartchenko Fellowship
- Mexico Fund For Graduate Students
- Angela Leong Fellowship Fund
- Louis B. Seigle Fellowship
- Surpina and Panos Eurnekian Nanotechnology Fund
- Surpina and Panos Eurnekian Biotechnology Fund
- TVML Fellowship Fund
- Jack Tang Fellowship